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An Unseen Face of Internet.

 Hello Everyone welcome to my new blog. Today onwards we are going to change little bit. As you can see that our name is changed form T he amazing world of subconscious mind to The Bitter Truth. As many people bored form same topic so I decided to change a little bit. and you can see this change in my topics. Also my one friend is complaining that Whenever I start a topic I go to depth but when it's time to come out I just break it. and this is not a good thing so from now i m going to improve. Let's start todays topic. Internet. Basically Internet has different face, but basically it is divided in to three parts, surface web, deep web and dark web. In this blog we are going to study about surface web and deep web because deep web is very vast and creepy thing. So we will discuss it later. Surface Web. The basic definition of surface web is any thing that you can access with the help of simple device like normal smart phone, simple computers. also my blog are in the surface we


What is fear by your perspective. Yes everyone has different perspective towards fear. See here i am not talking about phobias and anything. phobias are different thing and fear is different.

Perspective of fear. tell me in the comment that what is your perspctive.
here i am going to talk about the perpctive that i had experience of.
1) frightened and afraid:- in this perspective the person didn't want to overcome that fear by any solution given. this type of person are afraid of everything. let us take an example : here there is a person that wants to learn stock marketing but he has afraid of loss. so another experience person suggest some tricks but that person didn't want to do that also coz he is afraid.
2) scared by others :- In this type there is mostly children. the meaning of this type is that, they don't know any thing but they are scared by other by the way they show their experience for example : it happes many time that a kid scared by injection by listning to the experience of others. sometimes it happens that teens are also included in this type.
3) depends on others courage :- This type of people's behavior is depends on other. yes i know it hard to understand so let's take an easy example : here there is a person that afraid of dark but when another person goes with him he is not coz the another one is courages. before continuing this topic let me answer last blog's question.
there is a comment that is quit accurate but i cannot tell name that by whome it is commented coz it is tagged as unknown. so the answer of the question is that we forgot things when going to different place is because our mind starts making new neurone as we are going to do new task due to which we instant forgot the thing that we are thinking. By continuing the topic.
now i am going to discuss what is fear. fear is nothing but your mind playing games with you. Yes it's true your mind is playing with you. see it's overthinking that makes you scared from something. Complicated to understand right let us take mine example : when i was kid i used to scared by dark but at the same time i love stargazing what a joke right. stargazing without dark is not possible right.
So it happens to me many time that i build up courage to go to terrace at night to stargazeing but my mind starts playing with me at that time. and i remember the anabell doll of the movie and how ghost caught their human prey in night. so i just run in a place where there is people so ghost cann't catch me.LOL but now it's very easy to me to stargaze. i will also discuss some mind trick you can use to defeat fear. it's not only fear of dark that you can defeat by using this trick you can defeat almost all your fear.
so let's discuss that trick. here is a trick that is proven best working to me. and also i can say that this trick is also working for you. to perform this trick you just need courage.
so let's go towards the trick but to explain that trick i need some example. so i just take an example of dark because it suits best here to explain it.
procedure of this trick.
firstly you have to fight with dark means if you are afraid of dark but you have to stargaze so just go to terrace at night. what is going to happens to you next is that you are going to see different type of shadows staring at you. this is the time you have to fight or flight. here you have to use your courage. and stop over thinking about things that scare you here i will give you some tips that take a distraction with you whenever you see different shadows just listen to the song you like and don't focus on shadows and everything and after some time you feel that you overcome the fear but rember focus on your work like you are going to stargaze so just stargaze dont't use instagram and other apps on phone while stargasing. so this is the blog on fear and you have doubt in using the trick so just ask me in comment and i will solve it for you in next blog.
This blog's question.
what is difference between fear and phobias.


  1. Sometimes i feel that why people are scared of things which they already know that its nothing . Like scared of darkness as you mentioned .

  2. Yes it's all about perspectives and lack of acceptance. If you keep thinking about something as it's scary, strange, haunting then eventually it will haunt you! Like you said, it's all in mind. Well, I like to say that you did some good research little brother!👍🏻

  3. Bhram aur dar kuchh nahi hota hai yah sab hamare man ka bhram rahta hai .

  4. Feel like dangerous it's FEAR
    But one thing is not a simple fear...we can't accept some thing like
    Of any's call Phobia


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