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An Unseen Face of Internet.

 Hello Everyone welcome to my new blog. Today onwards we are going to change little bit. As you can see that our name is changed form T he amazing world of subconscious mind to The Bitter Truth. As many people bored form same topic so I decided to change a little bit. and you can see this change in my topics. Also my one friend is complaining that Whenever I start a topic I go to depth but when it's time to come out I just break it. and this is not a good thing so from now i m going to improve. Let's start todays topic. Internet. Basically Internet has different face, but basically it is divided in to three parts, surface web, deep web and dark web. In this blog we are going to study about surface web and deep web because deep web is very vast and creepy thing. So we will discuss it later. Surface Web. The basic definition of surface web is any thing that you can access with the help of simple device like normal smart phone, simple computers. also my blog are in the surface we

Mentality of people who do Suicide.

Hello Everyonne Todays blog is going a little bit different from the rest of my blog because i am going to explain the mindset or we can say mentality of a person who do suicide or try to do.
*disclaimer* first of all i want to tell you that doing suicide or try to do it is a crime. So don't take my blog seriousy or don't try to suicide after reading this blog.
Why a person do suicide?
The answers are different to each person. But the main cause is that a person do suicide not have enough courage to fight with this world. they don't have any motivation to live, they don't have target to reach, sometime they don't have family or friends to support them. So they think that doing suicide is better and easy task to be done. and they do. the one thing that can save their live is support. means to show them that there is persons that can't live without you. Did you know that why mostly are teenagers who do suicide. this is because of preassure i am not telling that an office worker or a house wife has less preassure on them but the teenager don't know how to handle it. personally i would say that i am 16 year old and till now i had think n number of time to commite suicide due to preassure but i had never ever try to done it because i tought my self to handle the preassure and aslo my family is so supporting but in last two year i never think about because i had many reasons to live and not an one reason to die.
If you show a pressured person a great reason to live they will never commite suicide. -Anynomus

How to prevent suicide.
The goverment has prepared many things to prevent sucides : The world celebrates 10th of sepetember as world sucides preventation day. Also there are n number of working techiniques that help in suicide prevention. If any depressed person is reading this so i just want to tell them to drink tea or coffee and think about it in deep. socialize yourself purely to other's don't put dark thought in your mind.
If you ask for my opinion. At present i am capable to handle depresion anxiety yes but i would say that i can't handle quick emotion like if my parents shout at me i am going to cry defitenily and who said that crying is bad thing in my opinion crying for a reason is a good thing. yes but crying without reason not good.
So this is my thoughts towards suicide tell me in the comments i should write more blog like it or not.
thankyou for reding this blog till here.


  1. You've got this beautiful life to live, why to end it just because you're having couple of things which is out of your hands. Eventually, everything will be settled down. Good job brother!


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